Soil and Groundwater Remediation
Man’s activities lead to the contamination of land and water by a vast array of chemical compounds and products. Once in the environment each compound or product behaviours differently, some will degrade naturally many are persistent for years. The risks to human health and the environment from each contaminated situation are also different. Some contaminated sites are simple to understand and simple to remediate others are extremely complex.
It is complex situations where Rem Tech’s team can add value. The senior members of the team have led the remediation of hundreds of sites across the world including oil fields, refineries, oil and gas storage, chemical plants, pharmaceutical plants, waste sites, nuclear facilities, and many manufacturing plants. We can offer a fully scoped design-build approach, or we can implement prepared remedial designs by consultancies
Enabling works
Rem Tech is very active in the site development sector where soil remediation is part of a package of enabling work to allow a
development to ‘get out of the ground’. Through client demand, and a depth of experience in such contracting within our leadership team, we began offering wider enabling works to streamline the development process.
We now routinely undertake decommissioning, demolition and site reprofiling in conjunction with or without remediation.
Remtech employs highly trained plant operators with a range of
experience in remediation work and has a stock of robust,
containerised, remediation systems that can be deployed quickly for the following site applications:
InSitu Applications:
- LNAPL and DNAPL Recovery
- Groundwater processing and treatment
- Air Sparging and SVE
- Multiphase Extraction
- Targeted Chemical Injection
- Enhanced Natural Degradation through chemical treatment
or bio-augmentation - Steam injection
- Hanging wall, funnel and gate and permeable reactive barriers
- Bio-piling
- Soil Washing
- Stabilisation
- Carbonisation (Working with Greenwich University)
- Asbestos removal from Soils
At RemTech, we have a manufacturing facility that allows us to create bespoke automated remediation systems to meet the needs of our clients or the constraints of a difficult contaminant or site location. Our engineers have built systems for military nstallations, oil and gas facilities, landfill sites as well as for commercial and private domestic facilities all over the UK.
In addition to this, we also carry a stock of ‘off the shelf’ electrically powered single- and three phase containerised remediation systems for rapid deployment of Soil Vapour Extraction, Air Sparging, Dual Phase Extraction, Oil/Water Separation and water extraction and filtration at several scales of operation, which can be deployed in emergency situations to mitigate immediate risks.
Remediation Case Study
Construction and Optimisation of an Air Sparge and Soil Vapour Extraction System:
When a large pharmaceutical company, based in Dagenham UK decommissioned its facility, standard site investigations found an assortment of dissolved solvents and hydrocarbons within the subsurface. In addition a former landfilled area also contained a mixture of chemical contaminants which required removal so that redevelopment of the property could begin. The lead consultant for the project (Arcadis) designed a treatment train of in-situ technologies including chemical injection, air sparge with soil vapour extraction, and total fluid extraction from the subsurface with effluent treatment.
Find out more and download the case study